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I’ve had a wonderful year writing this blog. At the beginning of the year I was still very new at this and wasn’t sure whether it was something that I was going to keep up. Throughout the year the feeling of the blog having improved in quality and the interaction with other bloggers has made me realise how much I enjoy doing this and how much I want to carry it on.

As I say I feel that the blog has improved particularly in the last couple of months. The biggest challenge for me has been and still is in photographing the food I have created in a way that reflects how delicious and tasty it is. Within the last couple of months I’ve read many guides on how to improve my photography, I am now using Adobe Lightroom to edit my photos and have picked up a new camera in the black Friday sales. This has lead to, after about 6 months of trying, me having pictures accepted on FoodGawker and Tastespotting which has lead to increased traffic to the blog.

I thought I would share some of my favourite posts from the blog this year.

Sour Cherry Pudding
This has to be one of my favourite desserts to cook and eat. Its a slightly adapted version of a dish I saw cooked on a masterclass episode of Masterchef Australia.

Homemade Thin and Crispy Pizza
For me pizza has to be the ultimate in comfort food. I love pizza with a very thin and crispy base and I learned long ago when making my own pizzas to embrace whatever shape they come out.

Lemon and Lime Muffins
This was a great batch of muffins that I cooked up in the summer. It was the first time I’d tried to top any muffins with icing. The citrus flavours were perfect for the summertime.

Paprika and Coriander Chicken
This is a typical kind of meal I’ll cook for myself when I come in from work. Pretty quick and nothing too demanding from a skill point of view.

Coffee Scrolls
Lovely sticky scrolls of dough topped with a delicious coffee icing.

Marmalade Thumbprint Cookies
Lovely buttery cookies with a wonderfully tangy marmalade centre.

This recipe filled the kitchen full of those spicy Christmas smells. Every year my parents buy lebkuchen from Aldi and while enjoying some whilst I was down here at the beginning of December I thought that they would be an interesting bake to have a go at recreating.

Mince Pies
Every Christmas we get mince pies from my Aunt. It is one of my favourite things about Christmas, I can eat my way through piles of mince pies in one sitting. So this year I decided I would make some of my own.

White Chocolate and Cranberry Cookies
I had bought some fresh cranberries for something else I was making at the time and thought that the tang of fresh cranberries would make for a nice addition to some white chocolate cookies and so this recipe was born.

I would like to thank everyone who has read and interacted with Paul’s Food World this year. I’ve got many ideas for posts for the new year, particularly some savoury recipe ideas.

I hope everyone has a very happy and prosperous 2015.

The post 2014 In Review appeared first on Paul's Food World.

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Paul's Food World, Paul Storey

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I started my blog in 2013. I’m a man in my 30′s living in Scotland. I love to cook and especially to bake. This blog is a way of sharing a collection of my foodie thoughts and recipes.