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Relishing my dad's chicken curry in India.

My brother - he is mummy's favorite kid. She never admits to that and always gives me that, "what on earth are you talking about?" look every time I say this to her, but I know. He is the gentler of us two (at least on the outside!), doesn't leave back any trail of his crimes AND he ate his greens. Me, quite the contrary! But still the quieter him and crazy me, together managed to keep mummy on her toes all the time. She was either in the kitchen cooking for us, making rounds to our school explaining for us, pulling us apart while we try to kill each other or in her mandir (temple) praying for us. On her toes all the time!


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IndianSimmer, Prerna Singh

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A blog focused on Indian cuisine and food photography. It is an attempt at making Indian food approachable and appealing to all through its engaging stories, simplistic recipes and evocative photography.features.