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Coconut Chai VEGAN Protein Quinoa Energy Bites -- quick, easy, and perfect for on-the-go!Pin It Button - Simply Quinoa

Ever since those sea salt + dark chocolate energy bites took off, I’ve been scheming about more energy bite flavors to share with you.

I wasn’t quite sure how you would react to those chocolate balls, but now that I know we’re on the same page, I don’t feel like I have to keep my energy bite obsession under wraps. Bring on the new flavors!

Super easy PROTEIN quinoa energy bites in a coconut-chai flavor. Perfect grab-and-go snack or for after a hard workout.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been in this weird food pattern where I feel like I’m eating really healthy, but for some reason by body isn’t responding like I expect. Maybe I’m not eating enough vegetables. Or maybe I’m baking too much. Maybe it’s the fact that I was visiting my parents for 10 days and when that happens, tortilla chips become my afternoon snack instead of healthy things like energy bites. You know, it could also be the fact that I’ve spent the last week fighting a cold (I shared my fave natural remedies on Friday).

Regardless of what it is, I’m feeling the need to “get back on track”. Which in reality means I just need to be more mindful of what I’m putting into my body and how much movement I’m getting in each day.

One way I do this is by controlling the types of food I have in the house. Instead of chips and crackers as a snack, I’ll make sure I have raw nuts or energy bites to munch on. Instead of chocolate chip cookies for dessert, I’ll have a square (or two) of dark chocolate or some energy bites. Instead of coming home after yoga and stuffing my face with hummus right before dinner, I’ll have an energy bite.

Seeing the theme here? Energy bites need to be in constant supply.

COCONUT CHAI QUINOA ENERGY BITES -- high protein, delicious, healthy AND vegan!

While I love having the chocolate ones on hand at all times, sometimes they’re a bit too decadent for me. My newest love has been these coconut chai variety.

I’m calling these ones “protein quinoa energy bites” because instead of loading them up with nuts like I normally do, I actually used some plant-based protein powder. The protein powder gives them a touch more sweetness and also helps keep them a little lower in fat, while still making them filling and satisfying.

These ones also don’t have to be refrigerated which is awesome. You can take them with you if you’re headed to a workout or just want to healthy snack while you’re at the office or on-the-go. I like that they’re bite sized too, so you can control the portions better. While I love energy bars, sometimes they’re just too much!

All I want is a just little bite 😉

Need an pre- or post-workout snack? Grab one of these HIGH PROTEIN coconut chai quinoa energy bites - they're a great way to give your body the fuel it needs!

When you make these for yourself, you can feel free to use any protein powder you like. I went with a chai flavored one, but vanilla would also be delish. There are loads of vegan protein powders out there, so just do a little research and find one that works for you. My fave brands are Bob’s Red Mill, Vega, Garden of Life and Sun Warrior (all of which have a chai flavor except for SW).

Also, I personally think the quinoa crispies make them SO much tastier! Remember how easy it is to make quinoa crispies at home? These have become a staple in all of my energy bites!

Your turn…

What’s your favorite energizing snack? If you have a go-to product or recipe, please share! And if you haven’t jumped on the ball wagon yet (ha!), these ones are perfect. So simple and SO tasty!

xox A

p.s. don’t forget if you make this recipe to tag @simplyquinoa on Instagram or send me a snap! I wanna see your creations!

VEGAN! Quinoa Energy Bites -- high protein in a delicious coconut-chai flavor. Great snack or post-workout!

Coconut Chai Protein Quinoa Energy Bites
Prep time
5 mins
Total time
5 mins
Serves: 14 - 16 balls
  • 1½ cups medjool dates (about 12 - 15)
  • ½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter (or nut butter of choice)
  • 3 tablespoons chai flavored protein powder
  • 2 tablespoons hemp seeds
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • ½ teaspoon nutmeg
  • ¼ cup quinoa crispies
  • Water if needed
  1. To the food processor, add the dates. Process until broken apart and sticky, about 30 seconds. Add coconut and process until evenly distributed in the dates.
  2. With the food processor running, add the remaining ingredients (minus the crispies and water) and process until a dough begins to form. You should be able to pinch it between your fingers and it will stay together. If the dough feels dry pulse in some water 1 teaspoon at a time until it comes together. Pulse in the quinoa crispies.
  3. Form the dough into golf ball-sized truffles (you should get 14 - 16 balls). Place the ball on a parchment lined baking sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes to set.
  4. Store in an airtight container in the fridge for 5 days.



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HIGH PROTEIN! Quinoa Energy Bites -- high protein in a delicious coconut-chai flavor. Great snack or post-workout! (naturally gluten-free + vegan)

The post Coconut Chai Protein Quinoa Energy Bites appeared first on Simply Quinoa.

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Simply Quinoa, Alyssa Rimmer

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I'm Alyssa, the writer and photographer behind the gluten-free website Simply Quinoa. My passion is creating wholesome, nutrient-rich recipes all with a little quinoa twist.