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Community Table from Epicurious

from Epicurious

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Fava Bean and Pumpkin seed pesto

I've had a fun , adventurous and blessed childhood. I grew up in a small town. The kind where almost everyone knows each other, if not by name then at least by face. One of the most important part of my childhood memories is the time at school. I went to a Christian missionary school. It was a great school, some would say the best in town. Sisters were strict and made sure we paid attention to our academics. Sir Michael would drag us to the field for our PT exercises every afternoon, miss Rashmi would let our imagination go wild in the craft class and Father Joseph, our Principal would monitor everything from a distance. There were rules, a number of them and the students as well as the teachers knew they had to follow them.

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IndianSimmer, Prerna Singh

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A blog focused on Indian cuisine and food photography. It is an attempt at making Indian food approachable and appealing to all through its engaging stories, simplistic recipes and evocative photography.features.