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Like fried pickles? Then you will flip over this dill pickle dip! This dip has a perfect crunchy, butter topping that covers hot, gooey, pickle-y filling! This dip will be the life of the party! lemonsforlulu.com

I love fried pickles, but don’t always want to make them; this easy “fried” dill pickle dip has all the tangy, crisp flavor of my favorite appetizer but with the bonus of hot, melted cheese, oh and no frying! I have no immediate plans for writing another cookbook, but if I change my mind I know I want to write about appetizers!  If you haven’t been reading the blog for long, then you may not know that my two favorite food groups are appetizers and desserts.  It’s true.  While sandwiches, soups, and pasta dishes make me very happy; it’s things like nachos and cake that make my heart flutter. One of my all time favorite appetizers to order at a restaurant are fried pickles.  Tangy…

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Lemons for Lulu, Tanya Schroeder

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I started my food blog in 2012. I have always loved cooking and baking for my family. I want to share what my family eats with your family!