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21310569768_healthy-food-orange.jpgWhat is Energy?
Energy can be an interesting subject. Scientists had not even agreed on how to define and formulate it until a few centuries ago. Now its generally understood that energy can exist as the energy of the motion of mass (kinetic energy), or the energy of the position of mass (potential energy), or the energy equivalent of mass (atomic energy). It also comes in the form of electrical motion (electric current), and electrical potential (electric voltage), and in the motion of electromagnetic waves (quantum energy of light).
Then there is chemical energy. This is the energy that is bound up in the molecules of physical elements and compounds of physical elements. Some chemical compounds are more energetic than others, and, when their combination of atoms is altered in some way, the energy difference of the combinations is sometimes released as an unbound form of energy, producing physical effects such as heat, electricity and motion.
In organic systems such as plants and animals, these physical processes get rather complex and involved, but they are the essence of physical life.
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What is a Healthy Energy Drink?

In our society today, the need for energy is everywhere. Not only are we looking for new ways to power our cars and houses, but we are looking for new ways to power our bodies as well. With the need for increased longevity, more extended prowess, and better sensual perception on less sleep have come energy drinks to meet the demands. The results have been successful, including a hand-full of extremely powerful energy drinks that utilize a lot of natural and even unnatural ingredients. Successful, however, might be a term used a bit too loosely. Efusjon – A New Breed of Healthy Energy Drinks With Acai Berry

The Efusjon Energy Club energy drink products feature the Acai Berry, which has been talked about of numerous television programs and research has shown it is one of the most potent new super-foods that contain a high amount of natural antioxidants, Omega 3, 6 & 9 fatty acids and other vitamins and minerals. The new product line development is getting ready to roll out the newest additions to the Efusjon Raw and Edge Acai products. Efusjon Breeze will feature the Mangosteen and the Efusjon Dawn will contain Quercetin, both known as natural energy boosters. A “How To” For Your Homemade Energy Drink

When you are feeling sluggish, an energy drink can help get your juices back flowing. If you are on a diet, the only drawback is all the sugar that most of the drinks contain. You can buy one of the many sugar-free varieties, but for some, the sugar substitutes leave a bad taste in your mouth, not to mention how expensive they can be. Healthy Sources of Energy

In today’s fast paced lifestyle people are always looking for a boost of energy. It’s time to stop relying on unhealthy sources, and time to start being smarter about what we put in our bodies.A person moves and speaks and thinks to the degree these processes are effective in the body. Naturally, then, the thinking, talking and moving person is going to want as much power, or quantity of chemical energy, as he, or she, can get in order to compete effectively with other thinking, talking and moving beings.
Energy Drinks
Personal energy becomes important in one’s performance, in one’s appearance, and in one’s endurance within a social context, contributing in important, vital, ways to one’s eventual status and standing in a given social context. It is no wonder then, that many people look for shortcuts to higher energy levels and become vulnerable to the temptations of short-term solutions, offering temporary bursts of energy, at the expense of long-term health.
Of course, given the economics of modern civilization, marketers have their own self-serving motives for creating and supply the demand for their products, something that complicates the situation even more, since the fog of undetected deception is greatest when these forces grow to very large proportions. As always, in these situations, moderation is the key to survival. Go easy. Things are not always as straightforward as they appear.
Health Risks
Habits, once formed, are difficult to break. This may be good news for marketers, eager for repeat sales, but bad news for consumers, whose health depends on personal environmental factors that are largely determined by eating and drinking habits. If the muscle, lining and brain cells of your body are constantly bathed in blood laced with caffeine and other stimulants, especially artificially manufactured ones, the risk of ill-effects and disease will naturally be higher. It only stands to reason.
Occasionally, one may be able to justify the consumption of an energy supplement or stimulant, for a given situation, but as a rule, our energy needs are easily satisfied by good, nutritious, food and drink. In the final analysis, a land flowing with milk and honey is preferable to one dripping wet with caffeine.

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