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Homemade Baking Mix www.bellalimento.com

Looking for a baking mix that you can use to make pancakes, waffles, muffins, biscuits and more with? One that doesn’t come in a box with a lot of ingredients that you can’t pronounce let alone know what they mean without the expert help of google (but don’t google medical conditions it will scare the bleep bleep bleep out of you just trust me, apparently I have many incurable diseases – gasp)? We have a homemade version that dare I say tastes better than any boxed version (in my opinion of course). After lots of testing and tweaking over the years we have a homemade version that we can’t be without. It takes literally 5 minutes tops to mix up and then you simply store it in the refrigerator so it’s ready to go when you are. Time saving, delicious and budget friendly. What more can you ask for? Well besides having someone make it for you.(...)
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© Paula for bell' alimento, 2014. | Permalink | 19 comments | Add to del.icio.us
Post tags: baking mix, Breakfast

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bell'alimento, Paula Jones

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Paula Jones’ recipes have been featured by Saveur, Southern Living Magazine, CNN, The Cooking Channel, The Washington Post and more.