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Have you ever wondered why you drink? Some people do it to feel ready to talk to a girl, others to relax, and a lot of people just want to forget about their daily problems.

But with all the motives for drinking, I bet nobody drinks to gain weight, right? This is what can happen if you don’t know how to choose the right drink.

There are drinks with less and and some with more calories, this can really impact your diet. Don’t ever think that saggy belly just appeared from nowhere.

To help you stay in shape and still let you enjoy an alcoholic drink, we listed 10 famous drinks starting with the one with most calories.

Apps Will Help You Know About the Calories in Your Drink

reprodução - site 20 Before we get to the list, did you know that there are many apps that will help you find out about the calories on your favorite drink? This pocket nutritionists will give you an extra hand and help you stay in shape even after a long night of drinking.

For those who use Iphone and Android platforms, you can use Drinkaware, that lets you control units and calories on your drink in a easy way.

It has an extended list of famous alcoholics drinks brands that lets you make a precise scan, and its new search system lets you find your drink rapidly.

The app also offers health tips and ways to save money on your drinks.

There is another option called DrinkControl app, that scans and converts the amount of alcohol digestion (bottle, can or cup) to the standard measuring units of alcohol.

The app even notifies you when you are going beyond your limits (defined by a moderate drinking standard) besides informing you about your spending with the drinks and calories for each cup.

On The Rocks Mai Tai

reprodução - site 5Calories: 260 calories

The Mai Tai drink has as its composition 4 cl white rum, 2 cl dark rum, 1.5 cl orange curaçao, 1.5 cl Orgeat syrup and 1 cl fresh lime juice. It has a Polynesian style of settings.

As you can see the more ingredients, like mixed liquors, the more calories the drink will have.

Long Island Iced Tea

Long Island Iced TeaCalories: 230 cl

This is a type of alcoholic drink made of, besides other ingredients, tequila, vodka, light rum, triple sec, and gin. The name Long Island Iced Tea was originated because of its similarity to the cold tea drink.

A more popular version of this drink mixes equal quantities of vodka, gin, tequila, rum, triple sec sour mix and a little bit of coke, which gives this drink the same look as the ice tea where the name is originated.

Frozen Margarita


Calories: 210 cl

This is a cocktail compost of tequila, triple sec and lemon, or lemon juice, most of the times served with salt on the cup edge.

This drink is also served with ice ( on the rocks ), blended with ice (frozen margarita) or without ice.

While it has become acceptable to serve Margarita in many types of cup, which goes from cocktail glasses to wine glasses, this drink is traditionally served in a cup that looks like a upside down “sombrero”.


manhattan-specialCalories: 187 cl

This is one of the most famous drinks in the US. This cocktail is made of whiskey, sweet vermouth, maraschino liquor and bitter.

This is a very traditional drink originated from New York’s area of Manhattan. It was created in 1870 at the Manhattan Club in New York, and since then it became a signature drink for the city.

Negroni – Martini Rosso

7+IMG_2264Calories: 185 cl

First produced in 1863, the Martini Rosso has a strong heritage and became one of the most famous Italian alcohol brands in the world.

The Negroni drink was created at the city of Florence, Italy. It is the perfect example of an Italian drink made with Martini Rosso.

It has a very easy way of making, and the ingredients are: the Martini Rosso, Martini Bitter, Gin, a slice of orange and a lot of ice.

Mojito – White Rum by Captain Morgan

34660_dia_1425_950_don_julio_mojito_37_$$069A0000001gyNVIAYCalories: 175 cl

Captain Morgan is a brand of rum produced by the company Diageo. The name of the drink is a tribute to a British pirate of the Caribbean of the 17th century, Sir Henry Morgan, who died in August 26th 1688. Since 2011, the label slogan used is “To life, Love and Loot”.

This brand has within its collection the White Rum, which can be used to prepare a mojito. The ingredients are: Captain Morgan® White Rum, a simple syrup, mint and club soda.


Calories: 155 cl

It is very similar to a Mojito, but with a Brazilian touch. The caipirinha also has almost the same amount of calories in a mojito.

I have seeing in a couple websites that sometimes the caipirinha is made with white rum, but for the caipirinha to taste like original it has to be made with the brazilian cachaça.

Also sometimes when made in bars outside Brazil, you could find some made with syrup to give the sweet taste. The true caipirinha is made with cachaça, lemon, ice and sugar.

Vodka e Red Bull Sugar Free Energy Drink

absolut-1l-8-redbull-sugarfree-bundleCalories: 148 calories – one shot and one can

You just need to mix it, with or without ice, and put a shot of vodka in the energy drink to make it one of the best energy alcoholic drinks you ever tasted.

For many, this mix can be a little too dangerous, since caffeine can disguise the effects of alcohol and make a person judge wrongly their level of intoxication. A study was done on this subject in 2012 to reassure the drink lovers.

The researchers observed the behavior of excessive drinking, and found that it has a strong effect on health, but not because of mix of the two drinks, but because of alcohol.

After the research, they concluded that there are no evidences that energy drinks affect the perception of alcohol level on people, when mixed both these drinks together.

Cabernet Sauvignon – Red Wine

1981-Jordan-Alexander-Valley-Cabernet-Sauvignon-BeautyShot-750ml-1-5L-IMG_8135-e1420999489390Calories: 123 cl – 5oz glass

The wine definitely is not the favorite drink for men, but there are those who appreciate a good Cabernet Sauvignon.

Originated in Bordaux,France the Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most famous french wines in the world today.

This wine is a great option for a romantic dinner served with a prime meat, like a lamb or a filet mignon, a sort of cheese or a high quality chocolate.

Bud Select 55

reprodução - site 7Calories: 55 calories per 12 oz

This is version of the Budweiser select that contains 55 calories per 12 fl oz., which is an “attack” against the Miller MGD 64″, accordingly to employees at Anheuser-Busch.

Budweiser, says that currently the Bud Select is the lightest beer in the world. The caloric amount of both Miller MGD 64 and the Budweiser Select 55 was reduced simply through diminishing the level of fermentation.

While MGD 64 only has 2,8% of alcohol, the Bud Select 55 has a limit of alcohol of 3.2% to 4% per piece, that possibly is done that way to be sold in areas where this is the limit.

The real content of alcohol on the 55 is related to the 2,4% ABV; very low amount when compared to American brands, that is usually 5%.


Done, now you can drink as you wish at your favorite happy hour spot, or any other special event. After all, using these tools, you will get one less headache, worrying about you calories, than your hangover on the next day.

The post How Many Calories Is In Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink? (Top 10 List) appeared first on Royal Fashionist.

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Royal Fashionist, Marcos Paulo Andrade

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Marcos Paulo de Andrade is the founder/writer for the blog Royal Fashionist, a men’s guide for the modern and sophisticated men, including a variety of current issues such as fashion, health, and fitness. Marcos Paulo is also the fitness guru who has close to 5 million hits on youtube.