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from Epicurious

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Halloween is just around the corner! It’s the best time of the year when it comes to playing dress up. If you like to dabble in YouTube makeup tutorials, now is the time to be bold and fearless when it comes to experimenting with wild beauty hacks. But after you’ve totally nailed your Black Swan inspired look, you need to make sure that you capture it all for Instagram!

Taking selfies has become a bit of an art form. It can be hard to nail the right pose, especially if you’re out on the town. Enter this adorable creation from graphic designer, Irene Webber. This Infographic gives a fresh spin on how to elevate your selfie game, without surrendering to the dreaded duckface. Umm, it’s also frigging adorable. Mermaids! Bears! A magical island!

Cast a spell on your Instagram feed this Halloween, and summon your inner supermodel!


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