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Let your kids enjoy a fun festive holiday drink this Christmas or New Years with natural orange and pomegranate juices, topped with a fizzy soda.

Kid Friendly Orange Pomegranate Fizzy Drink What a week!  Judah turned FIVE on Wednesday!  Can you believe it?  Doesn’t it seem like it was just yesterday that I was announcing his birth and explaining my hiatus from blogging?  I’m so proud of the grown boy he’s becoming.  He has such a sweet tender heart, hilarious personality, and talks non-stop (mostly about Plants vs. Zombies and Skylanders…ha!)  We are having his party this coming Sunday, so I’ve also been busy trying to plan that.  He wanted a “Wipe-Out” theme… a-hem!  How do you throw a Wipe-Out party during the cold season?

All of the Wipe-Out parties I saw on Pinterest were outside and included water games!  Well, a local gymnastics place rents their facilities for parties and it’s pretty inexpensive!  It includes a blow-up bouncy thingy and obstacle courses on the gym floor set up by one of their staff members.  The staff member also plays with the kids on the obstacle course for the first hour of the party.  SO… the obstacles he sets up are going to represent the wipe-out courses.  No big red balls involved, and no water, but…hey…I think the 4 and 5 year olds won’t know the difference.  ;)  The decorations will be Wipe-Out themed, along with the cupcakes I ordered (I absolutely STINK at decorating cakes, so yeah, definitely ordered these bad boys.)

Kid Friendly Orange Pomegranate Fizzy Drink Speaking of parties…

We are right smack in the middle of the holiday season where Christmas cookie baking is in full swing and New Years Eve is right around the corner!  I may be jumping the gun a little bit, but y’all like to search for recipes ahead of time to plan, right?  These fizzy drinks are perfect for you little ones for any of the upcoming holiday celebrations, and especially great for your new years party!  Heck, even adults who aren’t wanting any “al-cee-hol” will love this!

KitchenAid Juicer and Sauce Attachment I used my new KitchenAid Juicer and Sauce Attachment (attaches to my stand mixer) to make the orange and pomegranate juices.  To make two drinks, I only needed to toss in the seeds of just one pomegranate and then two small oranges.  The juicer comes with three pulp screens (high, low and sauces).   I’m not a big fan of the texture of pulp in drinks, so I used the low pulp which was really more like “no” pulp.  The juicer extracts the juice through one chute while processing the pulp into another, perfectly separating the two.

(How cool is it that the juicer just sticks right into my mixer!?)

Kid Friendly Orange Pomegranate Fizzy Drink You can find fun cocktail glasses at the dollar store for the kiddos (like the ones pictured).  Pick up an extra pomegranate so you can throw some seeds into the glass, too.  A little tip, put them in while the soda is still fizzy and they will float to the top with the bubbles!  Absolutely a fun trick for the kids!

Kid Friendly Orange Pomegranate Fizzy Drink

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 2 servings

Kid Friendly Orange Pomegranate Fizzy Drink

Let your kids enjoy a fun festive holiday drink this Christmas or New Years with natural orange and pomegranate juices, topped with a fizzy soda.

  • 1 cup pomegranate juice
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • Citrus soda (such as Sierra Mist)
  • pomegranate seeds (optional)

Pour half of the pomegranate and orange juice into a cocktail glass. Top with soda, about 1/2 cup or to taste. Drop in a tablespoon of pomegranate seeds while the soda is still bubbly. Repeat in another cocktail glass. Add a straw and serve immediately.

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Seeded At The Table, Nikki Gladd

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