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Maple walnut muffins have sweet maple flavor and crunchy walnuts. Skip the coffeehouse and make them at home!

Maple walnut muffins are sweet and nutty. Make a batch for breakfast today!

Those of us who grew up in states with maple trees know the joy of licking fresh maple syrup off a spoon, savoring the sweet flavor on its own or with a dish of vanilla ice cream.

While syrup season is in the spring, I always associate the flavor with autumn. Maybe it’s because we tend to pair maple with other fall flavors, like crisp apples and warming cinnamon. (I love the combo in these maple apple bites.) Do we really need a reason, though? I didn’t think so.

A few months ago I saw that Starbucks started carrying maple walnut muffins, and though their muffins are ginormous, I had to have one immediately. And I loved it so much, I knew I had to make them at home. Not only to scale them down to normal-person size, but also to stop spending so much money on such a simple breakfast.

Maple walnut muffins have sweet maple flavor and crunchy walnuts. Skip the coffeehouse and make them at home!

Y’all know I like to make my own version of Starbucks breakfasts. I started with these homemade Starbucks breakfast sandwiches and then tried my hand at the short-lived red berry cheese Danish. These muffins were just the next logical step.

To make these, you definitely need to be using pure maple syrup. Not that fake stuff. I did add a bit of maple extract to boost the flavor without adding more sugar, but you really do need some pure maple syrup to get the party started.

Maple walnut muffins are bursting with maple syrup flavor. They're perfect for fall.

These muffins are topped with a simple cinnamon streusel. You can skip it if you like, but be sure to add a little bit of cinnamon to your muffin batter if you do. Also, I’ve used all-purpose flour here, but these are just as good with whole wheat flour, which adds toasty flavor.

Serve these maple walnut muffins warm from the oven, or store them for breakfast tomorrow. But they won’t last long!

http://www.stetted.com/maple-walnut-muffins/ | © Megan Myers, stetted, 2016. | Permalink |

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stetted, Megan Myers

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Stetted is my journey of discovering simple, wholesome recipes using farm-fresh ingredients. Join me as I'm navigating a world of temptation to live a balanced life.