Jan 16, 2013 in egg breakfast, mexican egg breakfast, huevos mexicanos, 1. Read the original on: Magnolia 75: The Baking Lounge
Don't fall into the habit of not adding some flavor to your morning breakfast (because there's midnight breakfast too y'all :). I have always liked to experiment and add a variety of ingredients to my eggs. Don't get me wrong plain egg is good too. But if you had to choose between creme brule and say jello which would you choose? Right...so I mostly grew up adding salsa, jalapeno, and other spicy sources to my foods from an early age and so it's obviously stuck and now well here you have it: Egg with Jalapenos, quite spicy so I recommend adding a tomato. A way to ease your taste buds into trying spicy things without running for a glass of water or turning bright red is to add something else like tomato or onions or both or anything else that would complement your egg.
Also did you know that Mexico is the #1 consumer of eggs? I sure didn't, which may explain why we have so many different egg dishes. Eating egg is good it is delicious, but keep in mind that one cannot or rather should not eat egg everyday. Egg yolk contains many fats that could elevate cholesterol levels. Keeping that in mind, limit how many times a week you have egg for breakfast/lunch/dinner. I usually have it at least two or three times a week, two of which are just plain egg whites with some sort of creative, yet delish combination and the other is a full egg with yolk. Egg is great in moderation and with veggies. Go on now and make these eggs, I promise you will not be disappointed! :)
Read the original on: Magnolia 75: The Baking Lounge
True believer in green, healthy, and low-carb lifestyle I try to be as creative and adventurous as possible in creating and reinventing recipes. All foodies are welcome! My goal for Magnolia 75: The Baking Lounge is to encourage others to take the lead in their own kitchens and explore the goodness of food and its nutritional value as well of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.