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Minnie Mouse Popcorn Brittle

This recipe for Minnie Mouse Popcorn Brittle is perfect for a #DisneySide Celebration! You can fill up your containers halfway with plain popcorn and garnish with a little sweet treat like Minnie’s Popcorn brittle if you wish!

Ingredients for Minnie Mouse Popcorn Brittle:

2 Bags of Popped Popcorn kettle corn or fat free work best

Chocolate melting candy

Pink & Red Chocolate Candies I’m using M&M’s Valentine’s Candy but use what you’d like!

Pastel Sprinkles

popcorn brittle easy recipe


1. Place popped popcorn onto a large baking sheet. Lining it with parchment paper will make cleanup super simple!

2. Drizzle a liberal amount of melted chocolate onto your popcorn.

3. Spinkle with candy and dust with pastel sprinkles for an extra colorful touch.

4. Place Popcorn brittle into the freezer for about 4 minutes, just enough to let the chocolate harden.

5. Break into pieces and serve into your favorite Minnie Mouse inspired containers!

minnie mouse popcorn brittle sprinkles disneyside

I hope you enjoy this super cute and simple recipe for your next Disney themed party! I will be posting many more Disney inspired recipes soon! How do you show your #DisneySide?!!!!!


Read the original on: Amby Cakes

Amby Cakes, Amber Raffile

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I am A Le Cordon Bleu graduate and line cook. I started my food + DIY beauty recipe blog in 2012 as a creative outlet to inspire me to continue studying.