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Nini Apple Bread Pan_r

I’ve just returned from an apple-inspired weekend adventure – camping, hiking and picking apples from the Hudson Valley, New York into southern Vermont. Bags full of apple varietals are tucked away on my back porch just waiting to meet their chosen culinary destination.

The first few lucky apples ended up in Nini’s apple bread – a bread which brings me back to my time at the University of Illinois.

During my college years, my roommate Jen was kind enough to share her Nini’s apple bread with me every fall. If you knew how good this bread is, you’d question if you would be willing to share – a true testament to the kind of friend she is.

Passed down from one generation to another, I’m honored that they shared it with me to post on Oat&Sesame. Little did we know that a loaf of apple bread would bring back such fond memories.

Jennie and Nini_1988

Jen and her Nini playing Uno!

And no one is bragging here, but in the 5th grade Jen won first prize when she submitted this recipe to a 4H baking contest. Enough said!

Nini Apple Bread Top_r

{a side note from Jen} Double the recipe – I can easily devour half a small loaf in a few minutes.

{a side note from Emily to Jen} Happy Birthday! Today is Jen’s birthday! Hope it’s full of apple bread!

Nini's Apple Bread
Prep time
15 mins
Cook time
45 mins
Total time
1 hour
Serves: 1 loaf
  • 1 cup sugar
  • ½ cup butter, softened
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1.5 Tablespoons of sour milk (I add a bit of plain vinegar to sour the milk)
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 cups flour
  • 1 Teaspoon baking powder
  • ¼ Teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup raw apples (chopped into ½" pieces, not peeled) - I used both green and red.
  • ½ cup chopped nuts (walnuts are my preference)
  1. Cream sugar and butter.
  2. Add beaten eggs, sour milk, and vanilla.
  3. Add dry ingredients and mix until just incorporated and smooth.
  4. Add apples and nuts. Don't overmix!
  5. Bake in a greased loaf pan at 350 degrees for about 40-45 minutes. I used 5 x 8.
  6. Or if baking as 3 mini loaves 40 minutes, checking after 30.
  7. *if you prefer a softer crust, about halfway through baking, loosely cover the bread with foil. I remember Nini's bread always tender and soft on top.
*It's good practice to taste your apples before choosing which ones to use. Bland apples will result in bland bread! I like a mix of tart and sweet together.

Nini Apple Bread Top 2_r

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Oat&Sesame, Emily Brees

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