Mar 11, 2013 in orange chocolate cake, orange marmalade, chocolate cake, chocolate. Read the original on: Magnolia 75: The Baking Lounge
This post appears in the What Chocolate Treats Are You Making This Easter? challenge.
Today, I sit on the verge of feeling better. I had this massive, pretty intense cold. Brrr. It seems to be going around, and I hope this is the last I see of it. I mean a couple of months ago I was ambushed by a cold, flu, sinusitis, and strep all in a span of 3 months.Never again, y'all. Aside from such ailments life is good.
I've finally been able to break free from the recent grad-cooties, which is basically not knowing what to do with so much free time. Time I didn't have before for watching Netflix at 2 pm on Thursdays, or going to the movies on Tuesday afternoons, or grabbing real coffee at the tres chic place on near Uptown.
So this choco-cake is a must. It called my name from the newspaper I was reading in the morning a few days ago. I found that the perfect combination to choco-cake (actually there are oh-so many perfect combinations ;) is orange marmalade. Aaand everytime I have marmalade I feel the need to sing out the lyrics to Lady Marmalade! Once I spread the marmalade I realized how sexy of a combination it was--I don't think the song had anything to do with that.
Love, FM
Read the original on: Magnolia 75: The Baking Lounge
True believer in green, healthy, and low-carb lifestyle I try to be as creative and adventurous as possible in creating and reinventing recipes. All foodies are welcome! My goal for Magnolia 75: The Baking Lounge is to encourage others to take the lead in their own kitchens and explore the goodness of food and its nutritional value as well of the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.