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I know, you’re probably tired of gooey bars at this point, but you must make room for one more recipe. These Peanut Butter Cookie Gooey Bars combine my favorite peanut butter cookie recipe and gooey chocolate for the most decadent gooey bar EVER!

Peanut Butter Cookie Gooey Bars - my favorite easy peanut butter cookie recipe baked as a bar and filled with gooey chocolate!

For the longest time I have wondered why people tell me I don’t look like my profile picture. I’ve wondered why, when I’m with people like Hayley, strangers flock to her at every step but when I’m alone I seem to repel people like opposites of a magnet. Last week I finally figured out the answers to these problems:

I have RBF, otherwise known as “Resting B****y Face”. It’s a real thing, RBF, and I have it. I have it bad.

Peanut Butter Cookie Gooey Bars - my favorite easy peanut butter cookie recipe baked as a bar and filled with gooey chocolate!

I happened to be talking about this last week in Carmel with Lisa and Cathy and Cathy said, “You know, when I first got out of the car I thought you didn’t like me.”

Apparently, until I smile I look like an enormous you-know-what. When I smile, my face lights up and I become the Dorothy that everyone knows (and, I guess, the Dorothy of that profile picture up there on the sidebar).

Continue reading and get the recipe: Peanut Butter Cookie Gooey Bars

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Crazy for Crust, Dorothy Kern

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Crazy for Crust is a dessert blog, filled with delectable desserts that are sometimes crazy, often with a crust, and always served with a slice of my life.