Feb 04, 2016 in chicken, comfort food, entree, one pot dishes, roast chicken, seasonal, sunday dinner, vegetables, carrots, chicken. Read the original on: Culinary Ginger
There's nothing more comforting when the weather is cold than a roast chicken dinner and I have one for you a little different. Sheet pan roast chicken & vegetables cook up faster than roasting a whole chicken and everything is cooked in one sheet pan.
Roasting time is cut almost in half when you spatchcock a chicken. What is that you ask? This is when you remove the backbone a whole chicken and open it up. I posted an easy tutorial a little while ago, you can find it here. The chicken is then marinated in lemon juice and spices to give it so much flavor.
Have you ever been in a restaurant with an open kitchen and they have chickens on the rotisserie? Sometimes they will put vegetable under the chickens, why? Because all the juices that drip from the chicken is tasty nectar. This sheet pan roast chicken and vegetables is a similar concept. Why waste those juices?
Any vegetables you like can be used, I chose baby carrots, Yukon gold potatoes, onions and fennel (I love roasted fennel, it gets so sweet). All the veggies get spread onto a large baking sheet with oil and spices, then the chicken halves are laid on top. The less cooking time means the chicken doesn't dry out.
This dish also makes perfect leftovers and reheating is easy. Everything goes back onto the sheet pan and covered with foil. Heat at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and reheat for another 10 minutes to crisp up the potatoes. It's the dish that keeps on giving.
Prep time: 1 hour
Cook time: 40 mins
Total time: 1 hour 40 mins
Serves: 4
Read the original on: Culinary Ginger
Hi, my name is Janette, originally from England, currently living in Southern California. I'm the author, recipe developer, photographer and resident redhead behind Culinary Ginger. I grew up in a household with 4 siblings where my mother cooked a from scratch meal for us every night. I took an interest at an early age in cooking and learned a lot by helping and watching my mother in the kitchen. Today that tradition is carried on my household in that I also like to cook every night. I like to use only fresh ingredients, no processed or pre-packaged foods are allowed in my kitchen. I like to try new recipes and adapt current ones from all cuisines. In addition to all of this, I am fortunate that I get to travel with my husband for business and this allows me to explore and document my findings here for you to read and hopefully, take something with you.