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Community Table from Epicurious

from Epicurious

Take your place at the table

After making Spring Pea Soup today, I put the leftovers in the fridge and then the light bulb went on — what a great appetizer for a party!! The soup is quick and easy to make (see my recipe under the Soups category), you can serve it either hot or cold and you can make it ahead of time. How easy is that?! Serve in soup shooter glasses or, as I would, in shot glasses. I have an extensive collection of shot glasses (ask my husband) and I am always looking for ways to use them. They make for great conversation starters too!DSC_5494

Read the original on: My Daughter's Apron

My Daughter's Apron, mandy

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I'm a mom who loves to cook healthy, delicious meals for both my family and friends. My blog is focused on foods that are flavorful, easy to put together yet are gourmet in both taste and appearance. Check it out and tell me what you think!!