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Easy lunch ideas for kids and adults: Steak kebabs with cheese curds and barbecue sauce; a maple yogurt; and a mango-banana smoothie. http://www.LunchBoxBlues.com

We spent the weekend playing push off the raft at the camp. So glad it’s warm enough now to really start doing summer stuff.

Except a weekend in the water meant coming home to an empty refrigerator and mountains of laundry.

The laundry will just have to fend for itself for a while. Parker’s lunch, however, demanded attention.

All I really had going for me was a few hunks of steak left over from the grill this weekend. And I’ve been dumping lots of mounds of meat in Parker’s lunch lately. Seemed I should be a little more creative.

So today I did kebabs. Admittedly, this one is all about the novelty. Instead of dumping a bunch of steak in a container, I threaded it onto bamboo skewers. Great for dunking with barbecue sauce, though.

If I’d had more food in the house, I also would have alternated other ingredients with the steak. Maybe some cucumber or toasted bread or cherry tomatoes or mini bell peppers. Anything would be cool. I did have a couple cheese curds, so I threaded a couple of those on.

One tip — I made sure to use kitchen scissors to snip off the sharp tips of the skewers. I trust Parker not to stab his friends. Not so sure about some of his buddies.

For the rest of today’s lunch… I went with a yogurt and the rest of his breakfast smoothie. The smoothie was made from frozen mango, a banana, a blop of fat-free sour cream, some milk and a pinch of salt. Really delicious.

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Lunch Box Blues, J.M. Hirsch

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J.M. Hirsch is the national food editor for The Associated Press, the world's largest news organization. He is the author of several cookbooks, including "High Flavor, Low Labor" and the upcoming "Beating the Lunch Box Blues" (9/2013).