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You usually spot first wrinkles around eyes in early 20s. Then, they aren’t deep or too noticeable, but look thin and tiny. As you age these lines become deeper and deeper while wrinkles on other parts of your face aren’t that emphasized. Why this happens? You have probably always wanted to find the answer to that question, and this article will provide it, so keep reading.

Why we get these wrinkles?

Wrinkles around your eyes are expressed as fine lines, creases or ridges that can develop as a result of various factors. Sun’s radiation impairs collagen production and affects elasticity after which skin becomes saggy and fine lines pop up mostly because our skin is unable to replace the impaired collagen and elastin.

Other reasons for appearance of these wrinkles is aging; they occur due to natural aging process, smoking because it causes free radicals to kill healthy cells from our skin, facial movements during smiling, laughing or squinting and many other reasons as well. Although we usually associate under-eye fine lines and wrinkles or crow’s feet with old age, they can develop much sooner too. The most common reason for appearance of these wrinkles is exposure to sun’s damaging UV rays.

But, why these wrinkles appear deeper around my eyes?

We have always wondered why wrinkles around our and someone else’s eyes were always deeper than wrinkles on their forehead, for example. The answer to that question was given by a study from Japan.

The study was conducted by a group of researchers (Tamatsu Y, Tsukahara K, Shimada K.) from Department of Gross Anatomy at Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences and Department of Plastic Surgery at Jichi Medical University. The primary goal of the study was to inspect the mechanism of formation of facial wrinkles and their depth. In order to do so, they looked images on forehead and eye regions of 58 male and female skin specimens from cadavers.

Scientists prepared tissue slices in order to inspect the oil-secreting glands or sebaceous glands and their density which was measured in relation to depth of wrinkles. Researchers discovered that higher gland density led to shallower wrinkle depths in forehead samples with thinner skins. On the other hand, scientists didn’t make the same discovery with crow’s feet wrinkles because that region lacks sebaceous glands.

Findings from this study were published in the journal Clinical Anatomy.

Treatment and prevention

Fortunately, there is a wide range of methods you can try to minimize the severity of crow’s feet. Some methods include cosmetic procedures and are usually pricy while the effectiveness of the treatment can never be sure. Moreover, your health insurance most likely won’t pay for cosmetic procedure to begin with. Further, there are some products you can use to minimize these wrinkles and they are available over the counter or online. When purchasing these products it is of crucial importance to make sure they are made by a reputable skincare company, because who needs to deal with irritating side effects, right? In this case, Solvaderm’s Eyevage might be the product you’re looking for.

It is a multi-action age-defying cream developed by dermatologists to tackle complicated mature skin around your eyes. The cream is characterized by various benefits for region around your eyes, and some of them are:

  • Improving micro-circulation in capillaries in order to mobilize the accumulated fluid
  • Improves brightness and luminosity, lightens discolorations and dark circles
  • Has anti-inflammatory purposes and minimizes the appearance of puffiness and bags under eyes
  • Moisturizes area around eyes and reduces visibility of signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, crow’s feet etc.
  • Improves elasticity
  • Has antioxidants which destroy free radicals and protect skin from their damage
  • Makes skin feel smoother, soother, and healthier.

This product is made of a wide range of powerful ingredients. For example:

  • Phytonadione – accelerates healing and repair
  • Arnica Montana extract – eliminates puffiness and bags
  • Oxido reductases – tackles factors that lead to skin aging
  • Squalane – has moisturizing effect.

This is just a short list of many ingredients that take care of your skin around eyes. In order to minimize wrinkles around your eyes, dab this cream around your eyes after washing your face thoroughly. Apply the product twice a day (morning and before bedtime).

Here are some tips to prevent appearance of wrinkles under your eyes:

  • Exercise regularly
  • Wear sunscreen
  • Wear sunglasses and hat
  • Avoid exposing your skin to sun too much
  • Don’t smoke, don’t drink alcohol
  • Get enough sleep
  • Sleep on your back
  • Don’t squint
  • Eat healthy foods
  • Moisturize and hydrate.


Wrinkles and fine lines appear much deeper around our eyes because this area doesn’t have sebaceous glands like, for example, forehead. This was confirmed by the study in Japan. Therefore, this particular area is more prone to sun damage or damage caused by other factors e.g. smoking. In order to tackle this issue, it is important to make sure you have a healthy lifestyle, eat healthy foods and always make sure you protect yourself form sun’s damaging UV rays. Getting a high quality problem will help you minimize these wrinkles and prevent accelerated appearance of new ones.

Watch this video: Easy Ways to Get Rid of under Eye Bags and Dark Circles



  1. https://www.consumerhealthdigest.com/eye-skin-care/faq/what-causes-fine-lines-and-wrinkles-around-the-eyes.html
  2. https://www.thebeautyinsiders.com/get-rid-of-dark-under-eye-circles-without-spending-much.html


Author Bio

Margaux Diaz is Health and Beauty Expert. According to her “Health is the first muse, and sleep is the condition to produce it.” She has interest in building knowledge and self – confidence of people who really want to improve their Life by proper Health guide and stay fit for life time. She is an inspirational writer and has written numerous Articles related to Health and Beauty. Connect with her on Facebook and Twitter

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