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Community Table from Epicurious

from Epicurious

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Ingredients you will need:
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup of heavy cream (optional but highly recommended)
  • 2 slices of thick cut bacon
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 lb. of spaghetti noodles
  • salt and cracked black pepper
  • fresh or dried parsley flakes
  • mushrooms
  • 1/2 of an onion
  • 1/2 cup of grated Parmigiano Reggiano

1. Add water, salt, and a little bit of oil to a pot and bring to a boil. Once boiling, add the spaghetti noodles and cook for 8-10 minutes. You want the noodles al dente because soggy spaghetti noodles makes the entire dish taste bad even if you perfect your sauce.

2. While your pasta noodle is cooking begin making the sauce.

3. Clean, peel, chop your onion into half


4. You want to chop them into little squares so slice vertically one side, then horizontally to make your life a little bit easier.

5. Chop your mushrooms. Super easy thus far.


6. We are going to grill the onion bits first by adding a little bit of olive oil to the pan. Then once the onions are becoming a little translucent, add the mushrooms. Don’t cook the mushrooms all the way through yet or it’ll become watery. We are going to save it, and put it aside.


7. Take your thick bacon slice and slice it into pieces. Make it super easy by using a scissor. I like to use the uncured apple smoked bacon from Trader Joe’s because there are no added nitrates or nitrates.This bacon is now a  staple in my refrigerator.

8. Take the two garlic cloves and mince into tiny pieces. Or take your mincer and make your life easier.


9. Add bacon into pan and cook for about 3 minutes. Add the garlic in and let it cook through in the bacon fat.

10. Set it aside. Drain the pasta and save a little pasta water on the side in case you want to add it into the sauce mixture. Add the spaghetti noodle into your bacon and garlic mixture and let the noodles soak up all the bacon and garlic flavors. Add the mushroom and onion mixture in there as well.

11. Make the cream sauce for the carbonara. In a big mixing bowl, add two eggs, heavy cream, and cheese. Beat until the yolk is mixed thoroughly.


12. Mix the creamy carbonara sauce over the spaghetti mixture and cook over low heat.


13. Add a pinch of salt and crack the black peppercorn over and continue mixing for about a minute. Once finished plate it and garnish with parsley.


So easy and so good. Especially that melted Parmesan cheese right there.

Pair your pasta with a salad.

Enjoy! Tell me how your super easy creamy spaghetti carbonara recipe turned out.

Read the original on: franklyIDGAF

franklyIDGAF, Daniela Lee

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"Frankly IDGAF on what you think I don't look good in," as I said to the boyfriend. That's how franklyidgaf.com was born.