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I've been busy and my head is spinning with all the new stuff I've been learning lately.

I'm trying to get my head around HTML code, and it's not working.

Thank heavens there are people out in the world who can understand that stuff. 

Give me a recipe, even if it contains esoteric instructions or ingredients and I'm fine.  

Good to go in fact. 

I've been trying to reach out a little more, and connect with the World Wide Web lately, and been posting recipes on Yummly, I have a few on there now with more to come. 

Lots more to come.   I have over 600 recipes on here I want to share with everyone.     And it may take me a couple or three hours to type it all out, but I'll be continuing my efforts.  

To that end, I've got a little button on the left of my blog and if you click on that when you see a recipe you like, you can save it, to your own Yummly account.   

I've been using Yummly for years, just never realized til recently that I could share my recipes on there as well.  

It took me awhile, OK?

But I'm on there now, and ready to go. 

In fact I just shared this awesome recipe for my Cranberry-Partridge Berry Cheesecake Tarts there.

Just try saying that fast, never mind typing it all out.

And coming up in the next couple of days, I'll show you how to make these, Tomato Tulips.   I actually made them for Tapas this month.

Read the original on: Sid's Sea Palm Cooking

Sid's Sea Palm Cooking, Sid Munkholm McOmie

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I love to cook, feed people and have fun in the kitchen.